Meet the Bill Buckner of Bowling
No, I didn't accidentally roll a bowling ball between my legs, but nevertheless I am EXTREMELY pitiful when it comes to bowling. Bria, Cara, Ryan, and I went with the Chestnut Hill Chapel youth group. (Hyperlinks added for Bria's education.) I managed to get fourth place -- starting from the bottom. That was out of sixteen people, and I was thirteenth. Actually, three people left halfway through, so I'm not sure whether or not I beat them, but STILL! THIRTEENTH! MAN ALIVE! Among those who beat me: A six year old, a fourteen year old, and a *gulp* two year old. On a redeeming note, the six year old and the two year old both had bumpers and I did not. But, STILL! On another redeeming note, I got a strike! But then I got three the next time so it didn't help much. Sigh.
On the bright side, I had a wonderful time! I met some people who have been going to Chestnut Hill Chapel (see above link) for quite some time now whom I had never had a chance to meet. They were/are extremely nice, and they are second generation home-schoolers! The six and four year olds mentioned above are the home-schoolees. There's nothing like really nice people to brighten one's mood!
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