Guess where I went last night? You'll never guess. I mean, what could you have to go on? There are a bunch of pictures above, it's true; but I'm not in any of them, am I?
Since your mind must be completely boggled, I'll just go ahead and spill the beans: I just went to my first Manchester Monarchs game with Ryan and Daddy! It was awesome fun, and we won.
Does anyone who reads my blog know how to change outfits in the time it takes for a bucket of glitter to fall on them? I sure don't, but someone at the game did. Too bad I didn't take a movie of it to study carefully. I still can't figure it out. This lady would step into a cloth tube which this man would pull over her, and then after about three seconds he'd let it down and she'd be wearing a different dress. And she didn't just keep getting shorter dresses, either. It went from full and frilly to figure-skater-ish to twenties-ish to long and straight and on and on (I would guess she changed a total of ten times). I should probably not reflect too long on the subject, as I'm not sure I'll ever come up with the correct answer.
Anyhow, the hockey was good, too. I was struck by the bloodthirstiness of some of the fans during the several brawls that broke out on the ice. Some people were practically leaping on their seats, cheering and wielding fists. The whole scenario made me think of the ancient Roman arenas, although you can take it from me that the Verizon Wireless Arena is NOTHING like il Colosseo.
OK, I know it looks dumb that I went to a hockey game and wrote almost all of my post about the show in between periods, but that's the part that stuck the most in my mind. I could say, "Well, this one guy took the puck and passed it, and then it got stolen, and they shot it all the way across the rink but the goalie got it" and so on and so forth, but in stead I'll spare you the details and myself the hassle. The Monarchs' website already has the story anyway.
Paulie and TacCom went to their very first Monarchs game last Saturday thanks to the offer of free tickets from the Baggs.
All I heard about the game was the
show between periods! Sounds like a great time!
Now I want to go! :) And not because of the show between periods, either. I mean, think how much I could learn from watching the goalies! ;D
COOL!! and happy 2007 to you to
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