February 19, 2007

Because Valentines Day Is So Last Week

I haven't had much to write recently, other than "I hab bed bery dired ad sduffy because I hab a code." But since I have said something to that effect once before, and I'm already recovering anyway, I figured I should write about something else. Yet nothing presented itself! Not, that is, until this evening, when I was scanning FoxNews.com.

BIG NEWS!!!! ONLY ON FOX!!!! YOU'RE NOT GOING TO FIND THIS KIND OF REPORTING ANYWHERE ELSE!!!! It's so exciting! You'll never believe this!!! Good thing you've got Fox News to keep you updated!!!! Anyway, here's the big only-on-Fox bit of news:

[If Hillary is elected,] Bill Clinton could be First Man for first woman president[!!!!!]

Ummmmmm ... duh. How exclusive! Just the sort of thing you'd never know without the good old news to fill you in. (last sentence = sarcasm in the extreme) Nevertheless, it is a bit of an interesting thought in one way. What would Bill Clinton's new title be? First Man? First Gentleman? Of course, Hillary won't be elected, so we don't need really to worry about it, but still... First Husband? First Knight? (Hahahahaha...)

P.s. Can you believe that after watching all this 24, there are still 14 more hours to go? Ay-yi-yi. (Or I-yai-yai. Or aye-yaye-yaye. Or...how do you spell that, anyway?)


Susan Elizabeth said...

First Doofus?

14 more hours for Jack Bauer to go through!?!??! POOR GUY!! He must be exhausted! I know I am! OY!

I am waiting for the movie night details from your camp...

Susan Elizabeth said...

p.s. the new profile pic: SCARY!

Claire said...

The new profile pic? I LOVE IT! Somehow it seems very appropriate - very you...

lis said...

Hooray for the profile pic!

Unknown said...

I voted for a different car picture on your poll, just so you know. :)

Unknown said...

I love the new template! Still don't like the profile pic, though...sorry!

TripleNine said...

I have to agree with melody on this one aaron. That profile pic=very scary.

Susan Elizabeth said...

Thank you Wes! I was beginning to think I didn't have any taste or culture...but really, Aaron, the profile pic is kinda scary...

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize your head fit Beethoven so well! I love it!

Photoguy said...

I like the new template Aaron!

Stephen said...

Wait...that picture isn't Beethoven?!?

Unknown said...

I still think it should be a picture of a different car. Definitely.