March 23, 2005


Easter is coming,
The -- uh -- bunny's getting fat,
Please to put a penny
In the old man's....

Oh, forget it. It can be really hard to successfully change the words on some songs.

I am excited for Easter. My whoooooole family is going to go to stay with the Holschers out in NY for the holiday! Unfortunately, we are leaving on a Friday, which conflicts with my piano lesson plans. I may have to go later than everyone else to NY, but at least I'm going!

March 20, 2005

My Newest News

After I got my license I drove to Fairwood that very day! I got there a bit early for Sabbath meeting at the Feast. I love the Feast! So many nice and friendly people, and good meetings too. In fact, my least favorite parts of the Feast are those with long activity-less afternoons (such as today).

One of the highlights of this Feast for me was sports. Mr. Knowles organized some youth sports on Saturday night and they were fun. I thought he had people subbing too much, though. We played soccer with seven teams of three! My team lost the one match we had. I had a bit more fun in basketball, strangely. I was on Dave Hansen's team and we won the first of the two games we played. I got three out of five shots! Dave got one, and Stephanie -- our other team mate -- got one, too. I don't think we got any at all the second game, and if we did it was only one or two and Dave probably got it.

The highlight of the SPORTS was -- for me -- VOLLEYBALL!!!! I love that sport. It's so awesome. I got about 90% of my serves, and I only flubbed returns two or three out of eight or nine times! My team last night -- which included Daddy, and was dubbed the Badgers by TJ -- won all four games we played.

The Adams boys made a snow fort (or two) and I added a slide to one of them! It was so fun! It went down the hill by the garbage shed to the circle by the Main House. The Adamses and Ryan poured water on it while I was gone for a piano lesson, and it was nice and slippery when I got back! Unfortunately/fortunately, we've had a lot of warm weather this week, and what WAS the slide became sticky, gooey, gross, brown, typical March mud. Oh, well; it was fun while it lasted.

March 18, 2005

Freedom at last!!!!!!!!!!!

GUESS WHAT EVERYBODY!!! I got my license today!!! Yes, it's true. I can now legally drive by myself ANYWHERE!!! I finished driver's ed on Wednesday, and I got a 100 on that test! Then today I went to the DMV in Manchester with Daddy and waited in line for half an hour or so. I gave the officer there my paperwork, and he gave me a test to take in another room. I got a 90 on it, which is two wrong. I never found out which ones I got wrong. Oh well, who cares!?

Then I waited for another half an hour for someone to take me driving. The driving test was SUPER easy. Pretty much all I did was drive around the block and park in two directions -- no parallel parking, highway driving, or lane changes. The tester gave me a 97 on the driving test (-3 for mirror checks).

As for everyone, I don't like my picture all that much. I didn't want to show my braces, so I kept my mouth closed and tried to smile anyway. It isn't as bad as some, but it's not terrific. I was going to post a picture of it, but I need to use my computer for that. Oh well. If it ever starts working again, I'll post it.

March 14, 2005

One bright spot...

I did have one happy thing happen to me today: We had run out of toothpaste here, and so Mama went to the store and bought some (among other things). I had asked her to buy me my own, and when she came home guess what she brought? She brought me -- O Joy, O Rapture! -- my own Spider-man 2 toothpaste!

What an awful day!

Actually, it wasn’t really very bad, but I feel sad about missing the first day of the Feast – especially when boh of my best friends are there. Also, I found out today that I am not going to finish driver’s ed until Wednesday; therefore I won’t get my license until Thursday at the earliest. Also, I have a piano lesson on Friday. All these things add up to make it very hard for
me to be at the Feast very long.

That said, I did have a nice driver’s ed class today. We (the students) had a quiz to prepare us for the test on Wednesday, and I got a score of 98. I told the girl I was sitting next to that I had five siblings, and she was so totally shocked.

Ben sent me some more stories for the Vivacious Perspicacious Wordsmiths blog. His stories are more like essays, and mine are more like fairy tales. I feel positively silly when I read his, but then I remind myself that I am a unique person with a unique style and my stories make me laugh anyway!

March 10, 2005


I have a very good reason for not posting in a while; in fact, I have several. First of all: I've been sick for most of the week and am just getting better now. Second: when I was just about to send a post two days ago, the power went out. Third: when I tried again the next day, my almost brand new modem had stopped working! It still isn't. I'm using Mama's computer to write this post. I am so mad. I payed for that modem myself, and it worked wonderfully for the two weeks I had it. I'm hoping the manufacturer will replace it, but we'll see.

March 07, 2005

Just wondering...

How about everyone who reads this blog except Melody and my sisters and Ben comments on this post to say hi so I can get an idea of who reads my blog?

New Blog!

Yes, you read the title right. You are probably thinking I am a very fickle blogger, but the new blog is not just any blog: it's a story blog! Ben H. and I teamed up to do it, and it's been very fun so far (we started it 2 days ago). The address is

We had a snowball fight today. Everyone started ganging up on me just because I picked up a shovel, and while I concentrated on warding off Cara and Bria, Ryan kept putting huge snowballs down my neck. It's annoying when someone is smaller than you just by a little bit, because that person can do things to you that you could never do to him without getting punished. Sigh. The annoying thing was that it took Bria a while to convince me to go out and when I did I wished I hadn't after a while. Sigh. Now I'm all wet and I have tons of school to do and I would have one half hour less if I didn't go.

March 04, 2005

My Day by Aaron

I had a fairly eventful day. I spent most of the morning doing my math (I studied "Two Special Triangles"--45-45-90 and 30-60-90--and memorized their trigonometric functions) and my piano (a super-long Bach suite), and in the meantime, I downloaded a few songs I bought the other day. I made a CD of my favorite songs from musicals, and Bria and I listened to the songs on the way to and from my lessons. I had a great lesson (my teacher told me I didn't have to keep working on the super-long Bach suite unless I wanted too!!) and a fun time singing along to my new CD in the car. We don't have a CD player in our car, so I borrowed Cara's CD walkman and attached a small pair of speakers to it. They are SO quiet that Bria and I had to hold them to our ears as she drove. There's something just plain fun about singing "Well's Fargo Wagon" and "Wouldn't It Be Loverly" your very loudest while you're out driving. We stopped at McDonald's and got some McFlurrys (which were excellent, by the way). I had Oreo and Bria had M&M. ANYWAY......

When we got home Cara, Bria, Ryan, Duncan, and I all watched Anne of Avonlea together. Cara worked on a hat she was knitting most of the time we were watching, and she let me finish it for her. I made an adorable little pompom for the top of it. It was a fashion statement.

Well I should go get some shut-eye. It's *yawn, look at the clock, sit up with a jolt, and scramble for bed* almost midnight.