June 11, 2009

Dickens, Modernized

It was the best of times,  joyful   it was the worst of times, angry   it was the age of wisdom, nerd  it was the age of foolishness, drunk it was the epoch of belief, worried it was the epoch of incredulity, incredulous it was the season of Light, sun it was the season of Darkness, rain it was the spring of hope, wistful it was the winter of despair, crying we had everything before us, eager we had nothing before us, closedeyes we were all going direct to heaven, angel we were all going direct the other way devil


Unknown said...

This made me laugh so hard....great job choosing just the right faces to express the words! Charles Dickens would be proud. Maybe. ;)

Laughter said...

Aaron, this is awesome! Haha...

Susan Elizabeth said...

Cute, real cute!

Keep em' comin'!

drewey fern said...
