September 20, 2005

Think of Me

This evening, I thought of a post I could do if no one had commented. I was all excited about it, and then I got on and there were two comments. Disheartened and heartened at the same time, I decided I would post this anyway.

"This" is my own personal edition of the song "Think of Me" from Phantom of the Opera. Cara got that CD out of the library a week or so ago, and the song has been in our heads pretty near constantly since then. At least it's a song I like. Here's "Think of Me" from Phantom of the Blog:

Think of me, think of me fondly
When to blogs you've said, "Goodbye!"
Remember me once in a while;
Please promise me you'll try.
And if you find
That, once again, you long
To have some more of blogs to read,
If you ever find a moment
Leave a note for me!

[Dramatic music]

My blog has never
Needed sympathy
Or been as changing as could be,
But, if you can find a moment,
Visit it for me!!!
Of course it's a lot more interesting if you know the song. One cannot easily write crescendos and climaxes into mere text. And even if you do know the music, you have to kind of scrunch the "to blogs" in between notes. Nevertheless, it sounds good if one sings it just right. Plus, it's just about the first clever thing I've ever done on my blog! Yay!


drewey fern said...

I would argue that this is not the first clever thing you've done on your blog, but I would agree that it is indeed exceedingly clever!

And I also wanted to let you know I commented on your 9/10 post, in case you don't go back and check all the time:)

Aaron said...

Thanks, Andrea! Your comments made my afternoon! By the way, I have my comments e-mailed to me, so even if you commented on something I wrote in January I'd get it.

lis said...

I sang most of it to Rachel! Very clever...and I like your new look a lot!


redsoxwinthisyear said...

I echo Andrea's comments. Gotta give yourself more credit for cleverness. And here's to thinking of your blog!