September 10, 2005

My Blog Takes an Upward Turn

Having given up on becoming a popular blogger of my OWN abilities, I shall now do the obvious: copy his excellency king of blogs (or prime minister or at LEAST parliament member), my cousin....Craig!!!!! Of course, this will not be as well-written, or long, as his generally are, but I shall strive -- just for this one post-- to be a Craig, King of Blogs, jr.

In my first attempt to emulate my dear cousin's blog, I shall now post a picture of the day:

(My photo of choice may possibly be quite different than the kind Craig would use, but forunately this adds a bit of a personal touch, shall we say, to my blog.)

Here is my second attempt at imitation: I must say that I had great fun with the name interpreting thing Lisa put on her blog, and I decided I would do some myself:

Miami Flower

Third attempt: I am curious to know who reads my blog. Therefore COMMENT!!

Fourth: It is my opinion that Derrick should curtail all feelings of Schadenfreude. (this was my first opportunity to use this word since it entered my vocaulary!)

Fifth: I have very interesting coworkers (e.g., Derrick....). I could tell you stories that would blow your mind. (Just kidding!)

Well, now it's too late to keep going, but I hope I was at least partially successful in my efforts. (By the way, nothing in parentheses is meant to be Craig-like; it's all straight from me.)


Booker said...

Yeah AHS, what they said! heheehe.


First-nice pix. lol...

second-what in the world does miami flower have to do with anything. I think I missed something there

Third-I already do. and check your counter stats. That tells ALOT!! More than most people realize I think.

Fourth-nice word! i had to go google it to know what it even meant. And I don't promise a thing :)

Fifth-please do. My feelings won't be hurt, let me tell you :)

And as an addendum to number 3, try what Craig did and just do a separate post commanding people to speak up. Maybe they'll listen, you never know...

Aaron said...

Derrick - "Miami Flower" is the name to be interpreted. (You know, like from "Bill Street" to "William Wallace", but instead, "Miami Flower" to "?????".

Also, I already did a separate post a couple months ago (before Craig did!!!!!!) with pretty good results, but I have a feeling I have lost half my readers or more, since I accidentally deleted my counter and YOU seem to be the ONLY person that EVER comments anymore!

(The fact that you do is appreciated.) : )

Booker said...

Gotcha on the flower thingy. I stink on those tho :)

ljm said...

I enjoy your pics...Do you miss Bria yet?

lis said...

That is some cute frog! He looks like he is begging to be kissed, but I'm glad you refrained.

And the dog's name? Well, let me just say that my sister will NOT appreciate that!

It reminds me of when I was in Bible School. Jim Lafontaine to Joe Brown, "Yeah, I should get a dog and name him JOEY!"

Funny post about the breakdown!

I'll have to meditate on Miami Flowers while I'm working today.


Isaac Demme said...

hahaha! That was the first time I have ever seen Schadenfreude used in a sentence, and I (after looking it up on will have to start using it myself.

drewey fern said...

Hee hee hee - I, too, hit and am impressed...

Sorry it took me so long to comment - I don't have an abundance of time these days. But I spent a good bit of time on this delightful Sabbath day reading your blog, and I enjoyed it immensely! Keep up the good work!

brilynne said...

I'm incredibly jealous that you used Schadenfreude in a post....I have yet to use it at all. Good for you!