February 26, 2007

My New Philosophy

I have decided that saying "...or my name isn't Aaron," as in, "I will get some comments on this post or my name isn't Aaron," is too risky. Therefore, from now on I intend to say "...and/or my name is Aaron." It's much safer, and still gives me a nice colloquial way to say that I'm pretty sure of something.

"I will get some comments on this post and/or my name is Aaron."


Booker said...


Unknown said...

I think it would be safe to say "I'll get some comments on this post or my name isn't Aaron". It isn't risky, because if you, by some microscopic chance, don't get any comments, you have plenty of proof and witnesses that your name is, in fact, Aaron. :)

Not that this entire subject makes any sense at all...

Susan Elizabeth said...

???????? I'm confused...I just don't get it...is your name Aaron or should we call you Queen Elizabeth?

drewey fern said...

You are FUNNY!

~jenna said...

happy birhtday queen elizabeth!

Susan Elizabeth said...

Happy day of your birth. Hope it is a great one.

p.s. Say hello to the royal corgis for me....(I couldn't resist)

Mrs. RF said...

Hey, Happy Birthday!

Unknown said...

I said 'Happy Birthday' yesterday on your last post, but in case you didn't read it...um...Happy Birthday!

KJ said...

Have a wonderful day and a God-blessed year ahead!
I'm so excited to think that this coming year holds the beginning of your Bible school experience! No doubt it'll be the best year of your life, as my 19th year was (aka when I was 18... that always is slightly confusing to me) :)

Claire said...

Happy Birthday, Julius Caesar!!!- from another Napoleon Bonaparte

lis said...


A very auspicious number indeed - in Hebrew numerals, it spells "life," and folks give gifts in lots of 18 for that very reason.

Um...no piles of 18 presents forthcoming, sadly, but I will pray you have a fabulous and truly awesome year!

Happy Birthday!
Mazal Tov!

drewey fern said...

Happy Birthday to YOUUUUU and congrats on having the same birthday as Longfellow! :)

Booker said...

I simply can not believe that you are 18. Congrats!!!

Kayla said...

I did in fact come to your blog for the express purpose of wishing you happy birthday (so I really did remember it beforehand!). So if this isn't too repetitive, happy birthday you smashingly old cousin you.:)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday. XO A.L.

Silas said...

Can we really know that Aaron posted this post or could it be one of your brothers?

Aaron said...

Thank you, everyone, for the birthday wishes! If my day wasn't already so terrific, your comments would have made it!!! :)

Tash - The last time anyone posted on my blog besides me was Dec. 13, 2006. Since then (and before then) it has been me all the way. - (signed) the real Aaron :)

TripleNine said...

Better late than never, right? Hope you had a great day and that the year ahead is the best yet.