I wasn't feeling well this afternoon. And as it often does when I am not well, school had exhausted me. I fell asleep on my bed after taking well over an hour to do just a couple pages of British Literature. While I was sleeping, I had an interesting dream. Now, I don't usually write about my dreams, but this time I was intrigued by how much the dream had to do with what is going on in my life right now.
I dreamt that I was going to a Christian school. That’s easily traceable: this afternoon, I was just thinking about and looking at the website of the Christian school my cousin Andrew attends.
I lived in Boston. This probably has something to do with the fact that I visited Boston just a couple weeks ago, touring Faneuil Hall and the financial district with my cousin Doug, who works there.
I had a nice literature teacher. I was struggling with the meaning of some poetry today and wondering what it would be like to have a teacher to explain it all to you; specifically, I wondered what it was like to be in Andrea’s literature class. The teacher in my dream wasn’t Andrea, but she was nice anyway. Interestingly, my class was all boys, and the classroom was my bedroom.
I dreamt I was in love. This would seem to be totally unrelated to my life except for that I’ve been reading Sonnets from the Portuguese by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. (“How do I love thee? Let me count the ways…”) One of the more bizarre aspects of my dream was who I was, and who was the father of the girl I loved. I just watched the hilarious movie Night at the Museum a week ago, and the father-of-the-girl-I-loved was Ben Stiller. I was the kid who was his son in the movie (see photo).
Back to the literature class: Aunt Sharon interrupted our class discussion to give us all a little sermon that sounded suspiciously like a prose version of Robert Browning’s "Prospice." This is related to my day in two distinct ways: first, Aunt Sharon called yesterday, and I answered the phone; second, I read that very poem today! What are the odds?
When I thought Aunt Sharon's talk was almost over, I went downstairs listening to the rest on my cell phone. We just got a bunch of cell phones fixed yesterday.
Derrick was in the kitchen. No clue what that was about.
Then my dream jumped to the ALCS, and the Red Sox came back from way behind to destroy the Yankees… and yet no one cared! The commentators were like, “Oh, I guess the Red Sox are going to the World Series. Interesting.” I was really pretty distraught until I woke up and realized that, when the Red Sox do win this year, there will be a multitude of people cheering them on!
Disclaimer: Lest you think I fully and completely endorse it, I watched Night at the Museum with TVG and a ten-second section muted. What I did see and hear was very entertaining.
Now THAT is a dream!
Derrick was hungry...
I am racking my brain to remember the part in the movie that you would need TVg for. I can't come up with a thing. (and all my kids watched it without any censoring)
hmmmm...have to watch it again...
I wasn't saying I thought it really needed TVG, just that if it did, I wouldn't know because everything was taken out. Plus, it says "PG for language and brief rude humor." Just being cautious... I loved the movie. :)
me too.
Yeah, that's a good one. :)
I like your "when the Red Sox win" part. Because they will. :)
Hey Aaron - thanks for what you did on CHC's website! It looks great!!!
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