March 18, 2005

Freedom at last!!!!!!!!!!!

GUESS WHAT EVERYBODY!!! I got my license today!!! Yes, it's true. I can now legally drive by myself ANYWHERE!!! I finished driver's ed on Wednesday, and I got a 100 on that test! Then today I went to the DMV in Manchester with Daddy and waited in line for half an hour or so. I gave the officer there my paperwork, and he gave me a test to take in another room. I got a 90 on it, which is two wrong. I never found out which ones I got wrong. Oh well, who cares!?

Then I waited for another half an hour for someone to take me driving. The driving test was SUPER easy. Pretty much all I did was drive around the block and park in two directions -- no parallel parking, highway driving, or lane changes. The tester gave me a 97 on the driving test (-3 for mirror checks).

As for everyone, I don't like my picture all that much. I didn't want to show my braces, so I kept my mouth closed and tried to smile anyway. It isn't as bad as some, but it's not terrific. I was going to post a picture of it, but I need to use my computer for that. Oh well. If it ever starts working again, I'll post it.

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