October 07, 2006

For Red Sox Fans

Are you down in the dumps? Do you feel like the world has let you down? Is life full of misery? Then I have a bit of news for you that you are going to love. Of course, you've probably heard it already, but....

...New York is JUST as dead as Boston!!!!

Finally, life has meaning again... ; )

Photo from MLB.com


1smalldino said...

There’s always another year! (A Yankees Fan)

Unknown said...

Pretty awesome!

Cheech said...


Kate said...

Ha Ha!

most excellent news.

Susan Elizabeth said...

Go Pats!

TripleNine said...

I'm not sure if I should laugh more at them or you. :)

~jenna said...

HEAR, HEAR Aaron! and Sue...GO PATS!!

Silas said...

You mean the Red Sox are just as dead as the Yankees?

Aaron said...

That too....