October 05, 2006


I have officially (well, actually, I didn't research this, but I think it's right) neglected my blog for the longest period EVER since June of last year! Actually, this year in July probably comes close, but let's not haggle over the inconsequential details. The point I am trying to make cannot be denied: I have not posted in nearly a fortnight! I confess and repent in torrential tears. Almost.

Our extra cell phone broke. Somehow it ended up sitting in a cupholder of water and now when it is turned on the screen says "Service required." Grrr. The ensuing shortage of mobiles (pronounced MO-bilez) has been annoying to say the least. When you have three cars and 3.5 drivers (Cara's the 0.5), and constant appointments throughout the week - not to mention errands! - how can you LIVE without cellphones. The fact that we did, in fact, live without cellphones ten years ago is of no importance. These days, cellphones are a NECESSITY! Plus, do you realize how "uncool" it is to not have a cell phone? I shudder at the thought!

In an effort to remedy the dire situation, I bid on a cellphone on ebay.com. (I know what you're thinking: "Uh oh, here comes a story." Well, you're right.) I didn't win either of the first two I bid on, but then I noticed another inexpensive phone, bid on it, and won it - all in the space of about one minute. It was then that I was pointed to the fact that the phone was for AT&T...and we use Verizon Wireless! AAAAAHHH!!! Embarrassment and devastation!!!!

Ahem. So, now we had an extra phone that was worth nothing to us...nothing whatsoever (notice how I switch to "we" once there's a mistake involved; I'm so open-minded). However all was not lost; when the phone came, I (first person singular again) did something daring: I put it back on ebay! I'd never sold anything online before, so this was a new experience. I've been studying HTML and CSS and the like for school somewhat, though, so I leapt at the challenge. It sold! And know what? I got $5 more than I paid for in the beginning!!!!! Therefore it is said, "Like Aaron, a mighty ebay seller before the Lord."


Aaron said...

PS. If you don't have a cell phone, don't worry. I probably like you anyway. :)

~jenna said...

glad you are back!!

Unknown said...

I don't have a cell phone, so thanks Aaron. :D

Very glad you are back; you don't know how devastating (notice I spelled it right ;D) it is to come on your blog every day and find nothing but "A Shining Example of Breviloquence".

Great job with the Ebay buying and selling!

In case you were extremely hurt by the spelling correction thing, it was in fun only. :)

Aaron said...

Not exactly, hurt, Melody, but rather emmbaraased. ("I'll never no how i lost the speling be.") :)

Susan Elizabeth said...

Well, if you read my post about cellphones this past summer, you must know how I feel about those things...YUCK! Anyhoo, if you need 'em, you need 'em. Such is life and how we live it nowadays. Glad that whole thing worked out in your favor! Glad to have you back online.

Claire said...

I can't imagine life without cellphones. Cahrazy.

I LOVE your new title " a mighty ebay seller before the Lord." I think I'm now going to refer to you as such for the rest of time.

"Well, hello there, Aaron-mighty-ebay-seller -before-the-Lord. How ARE you?"

"Well, I was talking to the mighty-ebay-seller-before-the-Lord the other day and he said..."

Booker said...

I love that phrase! Nice...

Anonymous said...

nice blog..very funny story.. great to have chanced upon your blog..

a passerby..