January 05, 2007


You know how we have ALL been wondering about why on EARTH the weather has been so very peculiar this past year? How it's supposed to be a record-breaking sixty-one degrees tomorrow, a day which is usually one of the year's coldest? How there was no snow on Christmas, and skating ice for only a day or two? How it was too hot and humid in the middle of July, too cold in September, and how there was actually a windstorm once when we went sailing? (I heard it even rained for some people...)

I've figured it all out!

Want to know? Of course you do!

Well, here's what's going on - and it isn't Global Warming! No, it's something much bigger than that over-hyped politicized hypothesis. Methuselah's age finally caught up with him!

On the off chance that you don't know who Methuselah is, or that you think I must be referring to a different Methuselah, allow me to inform you that Methuselah is Adam's great- great- great- great- great grandson. That is a claim to fame in itself, but he also happened to live longer than any other man in recorded history! Nine hundred and sixty-nine years! Wow!

Well, Methuselah happened to die 1656 years after the creation of the earth, and that also happened to be the year that God destroyed the evil inhabitants of the earth through a great flood, saving only Noah and his family. Of course, the flood effected drastic changes to the climate of the earth, and someone needed to be put in charge of making sure the weather worked properly. Methuselah was the obvious choice, since he had just arrived in heaven and was reputed to have had the most experience on earth.

Methuselah set right to work. God did the first job - putting the rainbow in the sky for Noah - but after that it was mostly Methuselah all the way (with God always over-seeing, naturally). People generally thought he did a good job, although a few unfortunates thought he made it too snowy in the northern US. He disregarded these people's complaints, however, much to the gratification of the more open-minded sector of the populace.

In the middle of the year of our Lord 2005, however, things began to change. Methuselah, getting REALLY old by this time, decided to retire, and the job was given over to his descendant Peleg, who was also old. Unfortunately, Peleg was just not as organized as his predecessor, and he kept messing up the weather files. His first big mistake was to mix up the 2005 and 2006 Atlantic hurricane files. He dropped them on the floor, and, not being very meticulous, he piled all the papers into the 2005 folder (except for one or two that wouldn't fit). If the people of Louisiana had known who was responsible, they would have been very angry with him. Instead, they blamed the government.

The Dennis/Emily/Katrina/Rita/Stan episode was the only real disaster of the Peleg administration so far, but it wasn't the last error the angel was to make. This year, he FORGOT ABOUT SNOW!!! At least, he did in New England. Methuselah made it snow once while taking over the job temporarily as a favor for his [n(great)] grandchild, but other than that one time, the New England earth has been basically devoid of its usual January brilliance. It's possible that Peleg mixed up the Midwest file and the Northeast file, but I am more in favor of the theory that he mixed up the January and June sections of New England's file. Then again, why speculate?

The point is, Peleg forgot the snow in New England this year, and we miss it! I'm thinking maybe we should organize a strike or something...

Donations to the Aaron H. S. and Friends Amateur Meteorology Association(AHSFAMA) can be mailed to me at any time. I will always accept.


brilynne said...

Seeing that Peleg was used to shakeups (in his days the earth was divided), maybe he thinks this is the normal way for things to work.

Booker said...

Peleg was dropped on his head during that shakeup, so I'd blame it on that :-)

ljm said...

Aaron...I tried messing with my template tonight with the new blogger layout thing. I really like the labels on the sidebar option but I don't like a lot of other stuff about the new template...it limits your fonts and I can't figure out how to really get into some of the html. I wish I could figure out how to take just that one label feature with me back to my original version. Very weird...

Aaron said...

ljmax - I don't know how to bring back new blogger features to the old version of the template, but I do know how to change fonts and add HTML elements with the new version. It really isn't that hard.

For fonts: just ignore all the "variable" stuff. Find in the template where it says
"header h1 {font: $pagetitlefont;}"
"outer-wrapper {font: $bodyfont;}"
and enter the name of the font right where you would in the old template.

Alternatively, you can find in the list of variable definitions the variable with the description of the font you want to change (e.g., Sidebar Title Font) and change the "value" (not the "default") of it.

Adding HTML stuff is even easier: in the "Page elements" section of the template, click "Add new page element" and then "HTML/Javascript". Paste the code as usual and you're all set.

Hope this is helpful...

Claire said...

Was Stan really the name of a hurricane? I'd forgotten all about that...unless you're totally making it up...I guess I'm just hyper-paranoid these days, seeing lies all over the place....

Aaron said...

Bad Stan.

Good Stan. :)

Aaron said...

LJMAX - I just tried what I told you to do, and it didn't work for changing the font of the blog title (oops). But I figured it out! All you have to do is change
"#header h1 {"
"#header-wrapper h1 {"

It worked for me anyway, so I hope it works for you.