The Famous Balancing Wood Chip
Long regarded as one of the Seven Wonders of Chestnut Hill, the Famous Balancing Chip is now being displayed on the internet for the first time! Now you can join the select few who have seen this incredible spectacle - this marvelous phenomenon. How does it remain balanced, you wonder? Those who know the answer to this question are few indeed, yet balanced it remains. Defying gravity, puzzling the populace, mystifying many - my friends, allow me to present to you the Famous Balancing Wood Chip!!!!!!
Where is this wood chip? Who owns it? Who made it? Who set it!? What is its history? Are you ever going to reveal the mystery behind its magical powers? I am befoggled.
I set the wood chip in inertia on our banister. It has very little history, but I'll leave the source of its "magical powers" up to your imagination. :)
What are the other six wonders?
Good question...
Something's not quite right here...the balancing of this so-called Wonder goes against all the rules of science! I deny any bewilderment, but I do not deny that I feel very strong skepticism towards this post...PROVE IT! :)
Just Remember, there is NO woodchip...
An explanation would be nice...
Well, I'm not sure I'm ready to give away the secret yet, but I will say that it is not Photoshopped; everything in the picture came straight from the camera. :)
I think I can guess now how you did it...:) Crafty, crafty people.
I stuck it in a crack.
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