November 19, 2006

Somethin' Weeuhd

I was just looking at my profile to see if it needed updating. It did, but not in an area I expected. As I blithely scanned the page, this is what I read - Name: Aaron S.; Industry: Student; Location: New Hampshire, United States; Age: 250; Gender: Male. Notice anything wrong about that? I did. Screaming (mentally, of course), "WHAT on EARTH?", I clicked the edit profile button and, sure enough, it said my birthday was February 27, 1756.

Well, I don't think I have to tell you that that is not even remotely close to the year in which I was born (or even the year of my due date!). If it were, you probably would have heard about it. In fact, 1756 only shares one digit with the real year. I'll leave it up to you to decide which is the correct digit, but let me tell you that the other three are WRONG! And furthermore, I have absolutely NO idea how that number got there. I don't recall ever entering even the right year, and I certainly didn't put in the wrong year as a joke.

So now I'm wondering, what's up with that?


Susan Elizabeth said...

You don't look your age at all! What's your secret?

~jenna said...

you have aged so well, t-he, t-he!!

Unknown said...

Okay, I admit it. I PUT THE WRONG BIRTH-YEAR IN YOUR PROFILE! You see, I'm really a professional hacker working for an undercover organization, and I thought I'd play a little joke with my superior skills. Hahahahahaha!


Smiles said...

I voted on your link gallery website. But I didn't have your email address. So I thought I would just leave a comment here.

I like the new one in that it shows more sites that updated. I like the old one because it says who it was that updated.

Photoguy said...

That is Wierd!

drewey fern said...

About the link gallery:

Ya, I don't have your e-mail either, and I agree w/ Kim:) I liked knowing who it is that has updated...

And I would like to add that I love the link gallery page!!! What a great service to humanity.

Kayla said...

you should be in a museum! can I LOOK at you?:)